Councils, Boards & Commissions


City Hall
224 W, Buffalo St.
New Buffalo, MI 49117
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM ET
Monday through Friday

Councils, Boards & Commissions

All meetings are open to the public and are accessible.  Persons requiring auxiliary aides and services or other accommodations should contact the recording secretary for that particular council, board or commission.

Members of the public are welcome to speak during regular meetings.  Please note that a three-minute time limit is enforced.  Persons wanting to speak can sign up on the sign-up sheet provided at the beginning of the meeting or by emailing the recording secretary according to the following guidelines:

  • by noon the day of the meeting for a meeting beginning after 4:00 pm Eastern time
  • by 3:00 pm the previous day for a meeting beginning prior to 4:00 pm Eastern time.

It is important to check the City calendar to confirm meeting dates, times, and details.

Appointed City Boards and Commissions with Meetings as Needed:

Board of Review
Election Commission

City Representatives Appointed to Multi-Jurisdictional Boards:

LRSB - Pokagon-New Buffalo Area Local Revenue Sharing Board
GRSD - Galien River Sanitary District Sewer Authority Board
Cemetery Authority
New Buffalo Public Library Board
Medic 1

City Representatives Appointed to Non-Profit Boards:

The Pokagon Fund Board



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