Park and Harbor Commission

Park and Harbor Commissioners

Tom Smith Park and Harbor Commissioner and Zoning Board of Appeals Chairperson 269-469-1500
Mark Gabryszewski Park and Harbor Commission Vice Chairperson and Zoning Board of Appeals Member 269-469-1500
Linda Henderson Park and Harbor Commissioner 269-469-1500

About the Park and Harbor Commission

The Park and Recreation Board and the Harbor Commission were combined into the Park and Harbor Commission in August 2019, authorized by General Ordinances, Chapter 2, Article XIII, ordinance 242.

The Park and Harbor Commission serves as an advisory body to the City Council to study and make recommendations concerning policies, rules, regulations, and ordinances dealing with the management, government, maintenance, operation, improvement, and use of City parks, recreational areas, playgrounds, the harbor, waterways, channels, municipal docks, or other navigational facilities which are under the control of the City.  For example, the City Beach, Oselka Park, Sari Asher Memorial Park "Where Dogs Run and Play", the City Boat Launch and the City Transient Marina.

The Park and Harbor Commission holds regular meetings on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm Eastern Time in the Community Room at City Hall, 224 W. Buffalo St., New Buffalo, MI 49117 or by electronic meeting.

The recording secretary for the Park and Harbor Commission is the City Clerk Office.

The Park and Harbor Commission has five members; their names are listed above.

The chair and vice chair are selected annually, in their first regular meeting following the City Council's organizational meeting in May.

Lake Michigan Coastal Communities Trail Towns Master Plan

The "Lake Michigan Coastal Communities Trail Towns Master Plan" is designed to better leverage and maximize the economic potential of trail-based tourism within the community. The plan was developed by LIAA and funding was provided through the Michigan's Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP) and the SWMPC.

The City of New Buffalo is a member of the Great Lakes Small Harbors Coalition.

For more information on the Lake Michigan Coastal Communities and the Great Lakes Small Harbors Coalition, click icons below.

Members of

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