Archives: FAQs

How do I change my water bill to autopay?

To sign up to autopay your utility bill, fill out the Authorization for Automatic Withdrawal Form. Reminder:  A voided check or a copy/picture of a voided check is required. There are two ways to submit your autopay form: Drop off the form and the voided check at City Hall, 224 W. Buffalo St. New Buffalo, … Continued

How do I change the address on my water bill?

To change the address on your water bill, please go to the Water Bill Change of Address Form, download the form, fill it in and save it. To submit your form online, please go to the Water Department Form Submission Page, fill in the required fields, attach your change-of-address form and click Submit.

Do I need a license to have a garage sale?

Yes.  The cost is $1.00 and an application is required. Click for Application Helpful information regarding rules, regulations and signs is attached to the application.

How do I pay a state traffic citation?

All state traffic citations must be paid through the Berrien County Traffic court at thte 5th district courthouse in Saint Joseph MI. details can be found on their webisite.

How can I join or watch the City meetings?

You can find the information for watching meetings online on the Meetings page. Select the board and meeting you would like to join or watch and the Zoom link/login information will be available under the Agenda icon.

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